
Monday, December 12, 2011

In My Hometown

I am one of those lucky people who loved where they grew up so much that I came back to raise my family and hopefully give them as many wonderful childhood memories as I had growing up. 

It’s a place where:

~falling asleep to the sounds of the ferry and the train horns in the distance is considered soothing

~all coffee is DEFINITELY not the same

~you can watch a great movie at the local family owned theater that only has one screen and gives popcorn to children free of charge

~virtually everything is within walking distance if you are willing to venture out

~you can have an amazing meal at your choice of several fancy little hole-in-the-wall restaurants

~there are children and retirees GALORE

~the beach is just a few minutes away (don’t get too excited, it’s not a beach by California standards, but we love it)

~the poor fountain in the center of town is always the focal point for high school pranks

~you don’t have to drive or walk very far to find nature.  There are beaches, trails, woods, and parks abound.  And the views, oh the views…mountains, water, and gorgeous sunsets. *sigh*

~people feel safe.  They care for their friends and neighbors and generally look out for one another.  They are always willing to lend a hand and they care about their community.

I love my hometown and I hope that my children will someday feel the same way!

What do you love the most about your hometown?

Linking up with The Listmaster herself for Monday Listicles and this weeks selection was chosen by the fabulous Amanda from Lilahbility.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WTF Wednesday ~ There Is Something Seriously Wrong With My Kids

As a child I knew that the holiday season started as soon as the toy magazines would arrive in the mail.  Back then it was mostly Toys R Us, Kmart, Sears (back when they used to sell a TON of toys…yeah I know, I’m dating myself with that one).  But as soon as they were in our mailbox my brother and I would negotiate which one we would look at first and the rotate until we both had made it through all of them.

After the initial looksie I began the methodical process of deciding which toys to circle and which pages to dog ear so that I would not forget to put it on my Christmas List. 

Once on the list, I would put stars next to the items that I definitely didn’t want my parents to miss.  A Christmas list is serious business people!

C’mon, you know you did the same thing!

The thing is.  My children…they don’t!! 

Okay, so I may have taken it to extremes but I had several years to build up to that extremeness. 

My boys didn’t even know what to ask Santa for this past weekend.

I mean to the point of running around the house chanting “I don’t know what to ask Santa for” over and over again. 

I had to get into the car with Big T (8) and Sweet Pea (5) on the morning of the day we were going to go see Santa and take them to the toy store so they could see what is out there. 

Did anyone else have to do that?  No?  Just me?  Thought so!

I’m either doing something really wrong or really right as their mother.

What kid doesn’t know what toy they want for Christmas?


Monday, December 5, 2011

Wishful Thinking Christmas List

YAY!  The holiday season is finally upon us.  The season of giving! 

It really, really is my favorite time of year for so many reasons!  Watching the joy on children’s faces as they take in the magic of the season! 

But it is also Monday, and you know what that means…Monday is Listicles Day here on the Sea of Testosterone!

This week Stasha has asked us to put aside our giving mommy hearts for a brief moment and actually make a list of things we want for ourselves.  Now this was a harder task then I anticipated because I love finding the “perfect gift” for everyone on my list.  LOVE IT!  Love it so much it’s probably considered a sickness.  I will hunt and hunt for the “perfect gift.”  Even when I find something that someone would like, I keep shopping to see if I can find something better, which of course means, I’m shopping A LOT!  See, told ya…a SICKNESS!  But when it comes to making a list of things I want.  I draw a blank.  Every. Single. Year!  There isn’t much I want in the way of material things.  In fact, when we saw Santa this last weekend he asked Sweet Pea what his mommy wanted for Christmas and his answer was “Good Children.”  Ding, ding, ding, ding…we have a winner!!

But I’m going to give it my best try for today because of my love for list making!

1)      Self-cleaning bathrooms.  Three boys well four if you count my husband, four bathrooms….enough said!

2)      Everyone has heard about men and their “Mancaves.”  Well, my whole HOUSE is a giant Mancave.  I would give anything to have a little piece of my house designated lovingly as “Chickville.”

3)      I would kill for a personal Chef.  I’m tired of having to come up with creative dinner ideas for my family only to hear “ewwww I don’t think I like that.”

4)      A personal shopper.  I need HELP in the fashion department.  I am currently the Mayor of Frumpville and I’d like to step down and have someone else take over thankyouverymuch. 

5)      Diamonds!  I’m sorry, there is just nothing that makes you feel more girly then sparkly diamonds and you can never, EVER have too many!  EVER!

6)      I would love for my two older boys to stop fighting for a whole month!  What??  It’s my list right?  I can ask for the moon and stars…just this once.

7)      I would love not to have to pick up a spill of some sort for a day…just a day!

8)      I would love for my family to remember how we feel during this time of year and keep that special magic in our hearts all through the year.

9)      I would love to be able to help everyone in need.  I really would.  I feel so very blessed to have the life that I do.  Everyone, EVERYONE should feel that way.

10)    Happiness for all.  Peace on Earth might be asking a tad too much.  But if everyone were happy, really truly happy…I think it would take the human race a long, LONG way!

What are you wishing for this year??

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gone Sailing To Embrace The Chaos

Today I’ve traveled east to visit my dear friend Jamie over at her fabulous site Chosen Chaos.

Jamie is just flat out WONDERFUL we always have a great time together during #wineparty on Twitter and I was so very honored when she asked if I would participate in her fabulous meme called If I Could Turn Back Time where you get to write a letter to your 18 old self!  How FANTASTIC is that?

So please, go over to Jamie’s place and see what I’m saying to my much younger and much thinner 18 year old self!


If you are visiting from Chosen Chaos,

WELCOME!! I'm so glad you're here. May a pour you a cup of Starbucks Coffee? A little wine perhaps (my beverage of choice)??  Sit and stay awhile. 

I’m a mom to three boys….yep I said that right THREE boys. 

So I bet you wonder what I say when people ask are you GonnaTry For A Girl?

Or my thoughts on Murphy's Law now that I'm a mom.

Did you know I have a Superhero living in my house? Yep! I do!

But after all is said and done, I owe my crazy happy life to one very special gift.

 I would love for you to ride the waves of the sea with me, please leave a comment so that I may get to know YOU better too!!

Thanks so much for visiting!
