
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Having SNOOOOOWWW Much Fun!

Cheesy title I know but how else do you describe this...

Or this.....

We've had a fabulous snow storm in our neck of the woods for the last few days.  This kind of snow is rare so when it comes around we choose to get out and enjoy it. 

Other's in our state are calling this storm Snowmageddon, or Snowpocolypse!  We get seriously panicked when the word Snow is in any part of our newscast!  It is hilarious to watch people going to the store and stocking up with enough food to literally feed an entire army, just to be "prepared" for the SNOOOWW!!!! 

But whatever people choose to call it, and however they choose to handle this house we are having a blast in it. 

It just makes you want to be a kid again doesn't it?

So tell YOU panic or play in the snow??

iPhone Photo Phun


Unknown said...

Um. We don't have any of that white stuff here. But people do freak out about a lot of rain. Does that count? And we play in it. ;P

Cute pics!

Alison said...

I think that looks awesomely fun!!!

Kimberly said...

As of yet, we have no snow in our Canadian neck of the woods. In fact we only had ONE dusting of it.
I kinda miss it cause those smiles? Are worth it. Enjoy those babes and the snow!

Heather said...

We had so much snow last year that I am enjoying how little we have gotten so far this year, though I do believe 1-3 inches are in the forecast tonight.

My youngest two are totally missing the snow!

Your pictures are very cute!!!'

Bits of Bee said...

There's nothing like watching kids light up when they play in the snow, so wonderful! If only I could stay home and play with them in the snow all day instead of looking at it through my office window thinking about how bad traffic will be when I leave. Great pics!

Bella said...

Oh my goodness, those photos are precious! They truly do make me wish I was a kid again! My first memory of snow involves making a snow angel in just a couple of inches of snow. Not a good finished product, but fun nonetheless! :)

Galit Breen said...

Oh yes, so much fun! Love this! :)

CraftyMummy said...

We don't get snow here in sunny Queensland, but when I lived in japan I LOVED it! I think it was the novelty factor though. Not sure I'd like it all the time...

Soap Box said...

That was "snow" cute! I live in the midwest. Anything short of 12 inches isn't all that big of a deal. If we've got 5 inches or less, life pretty much goes on as normal :)

Natalie said...

Look at all that snow! Looks like they had a blast!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


OH man! We LIVE in rain 9 months out of the year! When snow hits, people just don't know what to do with themselves!!

Glad you liked the pictures! :)

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


They were having a blast and they did it all over again today since it is STILL snowing!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


Even with all the hassle that the snow brings it is worth it. I love to see that kind of happyness on my childrens faces! Priceless!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


We love that we usually only get a good snow storm like this every few years. If it happened every year I think it would get old!

Did you get any today?

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...

Bits of Bee,

I have to admit, being able to stay here watching the kiddos have a blast and not have to venture out into and drive in the snow, makes it SO much easier to enjoy it!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


Thanks so very much!

Snow angels are so much fun to make no matter how much, or how little snow you have!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


They had a blast...and they repeated it all today again! LOVE IT!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


We don't get this kind of snow with any regularity thank would get old real quickly if we did. But for now, we are just enjoying the heck out of it!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...

Soap Box,

I can imagine that things run like a well oiled machine in your neck of the words. Up here though it is complete panic mode. We just aren't equiped. Well the city isn't, we have the sled and the clothing...what more do you need??

Thanks so much for coming by and commenting. I really appreciate it!

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...


They sure did! It's been so much fun to watch!

Liz said...

We don't get much snow here, so when we do, it's very expected to go out in it. But at the same time since we don't get much, we don't really have the proper clothing for it either.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love their smiles! Looks like such a fun time. We still don't have snow that's sticking around, and I'm loving it, though ONE Snowpocolypse would be good. :)

Have a great weekend!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

As I read this post, I remembered the post you did over the summer with the beach towels. What a difference a half a year makes, right?

Adrienne said...

OMGoodness! That looks like fun! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

So far we haven't had too much snow. Thank goodness. {knocks on wood}
I don't like it, I deal with it by drinking hot chocolate (spiked). lol