
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Bet You’re Wondering….Now Why Don’t She Write?

HOLA! Como Estas?

I’m back!

Well, I’ve been back for almost a week already!

So I’m sure you’re wondering where I’ve been, right?  Why haven’t I posted anything?  Yeah okay, so maybe not…maybe that is all in my head, in my DREAMS even…but I’m going to tell you anyway. 

I came home all relaxed and with a TON of fabulous blog topics in my head.  I couldn’t wait to get back into the blogging world.  But then my world went WACKO!  Like Wow-Wow-Wiggle-Waddle-Wazzy-Woddle-WOOOO! Wacko!

First, Buggy got an ear infection and a fungal infection while I was away.  So I was expecting it, but he was so uncomfortable and clingy.  Just wanted to be with his mama!

Then BAM!

We had yet ANOTHER water issue in our home that had to be dealt with ASAP!


Big T gets a fever of 102!

Another BAM! No…I’m not channeling Emeril.

Sweet Pea has a coughing fit in the middle of the night that lasted 3 friggin hours!

So three sick kids home for the last 4 days and they decided to share with their mommy.  SO very kind right?

The last straw?


My Internet went kaput on my laptop. 

So needless to say the reentry into real life hit me like a falling tree!!  I must have done something to Karma in a previous life because apparently she doesn’t like me much. 

BUT, the kids seem to be on the mend, and I finally have my Internet access back so things are starting to balance out. 

But tomorrow is Thanksgiving!  How did that happen anyway?

So I’m here.  I’m back.  I’ll be flooding your inbox once again very, VERY soon you lucky, lucky readers you. 

But first, I’m taking a day to be with my family.  To show them how thankful I am for each and every one of them.

Even if they do rub their snot all over me when they give me a hug and sneeze in my coffee…

I’m thankful nonetheless. 

I’m also thankful for you.  Yep, you!  Thank you for hanging in there with me while I went away.  Thank you for welcoming me back and thank you for your patience as I got things all squared away!

Since I’ve been out of the loop lately I’m dying to know…what’s been going on with you?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WTF Wednesday ~ Do You Hear What I Hear?

I don’t know what it is about commercials that get me.  Some will make me laugh to the point of tears and other ones make me wonder who was asleep at the wheel during the production.

For others I just know someone was reverting back to their childhood days and trying to get away with something without their boss catching it.  OR they were doing it with their boss and well, that’s just all kinds of messed up.

Take this one for example

Okay, so what do you hear those little elves doped up on Helium saying?

Sure it’s a commercial for a cell phone company so you can figure it out. 

But the last time I checked, cell phone carriers were not in the business of offering an Orgy Wonderland with their plans.

I know sharing is all part of the Christmas spirit, but...WTF?? 

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Perfect Vacation

It’s time for another fantastic list for Stasha’s Monday’sListicles.  I’m really loving making these lists and reading everyone else’s lists.

I’m even more excited about this week’s topic.  Because well, I was given the honor of choosing this week’s topic and it’s all about VACATIONS.  Which is my favorite topic aside from my children of course. 

You all know how I feel about family vacations.  They aren’t vacations at all, they are adventures.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with adventures (I’m really fond of them), sometimes a perfect vacation is just what the doctor ordered.

Here are the things that HAVE to be present in order for me to call a vacation perfect.

  1. SUN!!  I live in the land of rain, so sunshine is a must for my vacations.

  1. A large body of water preferably a tropical sea of some sort.  I am a water girl.  Love the sound of the water lapping up onto the shore.  I love the swimming and snorkeling you can do.  Yes, my perfect vacation needs to have water in it.  Pools are fine too, but they have to be in addition to sea. 


  1. To go along with that water there must also be sand!  There is nothing like putting your bare feet into sand that has been warmed by the sun!  NOTHING! 

  1. There must be a tropical flower, fruit, or a fun umbrella in whatever I’m drinking…even if it’s just water!!  I love it!

  1. There should be a wonderful server who brings these drinks.  Someone who is attentive and notices when the glass is just about empty.  It helps if there is a flag you can raise to have your server come out to the beach and take your order.  Hey now, the topic is PERFECT vacation after all.

  1. A swim up bar at the pool.  Need I say more.

  1. A book.  Not a computerized copy of a book.  An actual book with actual pages that I can crease and turn and basically ruin by the time I’m done.

  1. There does need to be things you can do in the area if you are feeling adventurous, but if you’re not…no biggy.

  1. The company!  I need to be able to enjoy the company I have on vacations.  To not feel like I have to do everything they want to do.  When it’s my husband that’s a no brainer.  Friends can get a bit tricky because you are living with them for a solid week.  Family is the same way.  Your company can make or break a vacation so choose wisely.  I haven’t been disappointed yet!

  1. TIME!  I need more time while on a perfect vacation.  One week just isn’t enough, two would be ideal or hey…if I’m dreaming a month would be OUTSTANDING!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Sweetness ~ The Wonderful Man In My Life

This weeks Sunday Sweetness without a doubt goes to my husband. 

Here’s the skinny.

We bought a timeshare at our favorite place in Cabo San Lucas.  With that purchase we received a few bonus weeks one of which expired this year.

Since we went to Maui for our 10 year Anniversary in May of this year, and my mom watched all three of my boys, with all three of their schedules we didn’t want to ask her to watch them again, which I know she would have agreed to do, despite the bowing down to me when I got home from Maui (which I’m convinced she did just to make me feel like a better mom). 

So we were left wondering what to do with that extra week. 

My husband suggested that I should take my mom for a week down to Cabo. 

That’s right!  It was HIS idea for me to go away, without him or the kids and just with my mom.  Partially as a “Thank You” for all the free babysitting she’s done in the last 8 years.  But MOSTLY for my mom and I to have time together!

Back off people, he’s MINE! 

And you know what?  He’s excited to have this time with the boys.  Excited to see the things he misses on a day to day basis.  Excited to hear the stories, and share in the excitement of things when they happen instead of hours later.

HE, gets to be the parent our boys run to if they are hurt, or sad, or have a fantastic story to tell about their day at school.  HE gets to do all the things I’ve title as mundane and repetitive because I do them every single day.  But he sees it as something new.

Did I leave a list a mile long about all things I do on a daily basis and the running schedule I have in my head?  You can bet your bottom dollar I did.  #ControlFreak!


Do I feel he can handle it?  Absolutely!  I even think he will do a better job than I do on any given day (because who can’t rise to the occasion for a week?). 

But after all is said and done.  He gave me a gift.

Sure we bought the timeshare together.  We live under the whole “what’s his is mine and what’s mine is negotiable mentality” (not really, but I FRIGGIN LOVE that saying).  But he spoke up.  HE said that I should do this.  HE had to talk me into it. 

And for that?  The man surely deserves a trophy right?

Okay, that may be going a bit too far. 

But at the very least he deserves a Sunday Sweetness post expressing my deepest gratitude for his genius idea that puts me sitting here sipping a margarita under a palapa with my mom!

So thank you my love!  You are AMAZING!!

What selfless thing has your significant other done for you??

Friday, November 11, 2011

It’s Not You, It’s Me

So most of you know I’m on vacation right now in Cabo San Lucas Mexico.  If you don’t know, man oh man, I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again…get yourself on Twitter!!  Not just to keep up with me (but why wouldn’t you want to) but for the vast amount of knowledge that is shared there!!    

I’m unplugging….for a whole week.

In the blogging world that usually implies an understandable bloggy burnout.  I’ve learned very quickly (as we all do) that blogging can take a toll on you and you need to just walk away sometimes.

But that’s not the case for me.  I don’t have bloggy burnout. I actually spent the last few days vacillating between which computer devices I want to take with me to “stay connected.”  Turns out, laptop, iPad, and the iPhone are just a bit too much for me to bring to Mexico. 

No my burnout is of a different sort.

I’m in a Mommy Burnout!

So I planned this trip a long time ago, even BEFORE I started blogging…GASP!  It is going to be a fun week away with no children and no husband just me and my mom for a mother-daughter getaway! 

My mom, I LOVE my mom.  We have so much fun together.  We used to go out on mother-daughter weekend getaways here locally.  But the last time we did that was before I got pregnant with Sweet Pea so that is basically 6 years ago.  This time?  This time we are doing it up BIG!

We are going to have a BLAST!

As far as blogging goes, I am of course going to have stuff for you fabulous people to read.  I’m too much of a control freak not to.  Wait, did I just admit that?  DAMN that was supposed to be a secret! 

But what I won’t be able to do, and what I really do feel badly about…is read and comment on all your fabulous blogs. 

Hear this!

I LOVE to read your words.  You inspire me.  You make me think.  You make me cry.  You make me go and hug my children just a little bit longer that evening. You make me laugh. 

I want to be able to tell you these things every time you put yourself out there with your posts.  But for one week, I won’t be able to.

Now I know you don’t rely on my comments for validation (hardly).  I realize that I’m not the end all be all to your comment feed.  Far freaking from it.  But I wanted to let you know that I will miss reading your thoughts, your insight, and your humor.

I promise I will be up and running in a weeks time!

And you better watch out.  Because this mama is going to have blogging/tweeting/commenting withdrawals and there’s no telling what she will do when I get back!

Will I think about you ABSOLUTELY! Will I go out of my way to spend a bazillion dollars just to connect with you via my phone (oh yeah, I checked into it), nope.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you or want to know what you’re thinking.

It just means that I’m in Mommy Burnout mode.  I’m taking a break for station identification and will be back soon.

Hasta La Vista Baby!

I will raise a Margarita in honor of each of my readers.  Well, okay.  Not each and EVERY one of you because that would land me in a Hospital in a foreign country and THAT is something I would like to avoid at all costs!

So I will catch you on the flip side and I expect a full report about what I’ve missed when I get back! 

Since I’m in paradise, what is your favorite tropical drink??

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Seasons Over

It's been a LONG season.

But the boys had a great time and are already excited for next year.  Me?  Well I'm ready to put these things away

And not have to look at them, until next year.

Goodbye Soccer Season.  It's been fun. 

iPhone Photo Phun

{Linking up for Wordy-Wordless Wednesday with the fantastic By Word of Mouth Musings, Live and Love...Outloud, Angry Julie Monday, and Merry With Children}

Monday, November 7, 2011

10 High School Memories

This week is such a fun week for Stasha’s Monday Listicles because the fabulous Lovelinks got to choose the topic and even created a cute button to go with it.  The topic is High School. 

But, before I start on this week’s list I have to tell you how VERY excited I am to have been chosen to come up with next week’s topic.  Little Ol’ Me was actually asked to come up with a Monday Listicles topic.  I swear I must be dreaming right??  I’m honored, so very honored.  But along with this honor comes a bit of pressure.  I mean there are some great topics out there.  I don’t want to let all the wonderful listicles people down now do I?

So I had a ton of ideas run through my head.  But I kept coming back to one.

I’ve talked about how I just started embracing Fall.  Well it seems Winter is here already!  How did that happen??  I’m not ready!  So in protest I will be going on a vacation later this week.  And by vacation I mean a REAL vacation.  No kids, no husband, just me and my mom for a whole week in Cabo San Lucas.  So next week’s Monday Listicles topic is:

10 things that make a perfect vacation.

Have fun with it, spin it however you’d like!  I can’t wait to read them all!! 

And now, here are 10 of my High School Memories.

Being in High School during the early 90’s in the Pacific Northwest really was, well…lets say interesting!  I have a lot of fantastic memories of High School but there are a few that stand out.

1.  One word.  FLANNEL.  I never wore so much flannel in all my life.

2.  The footwear.  You basically wore three things.  Keds.  KSwiss   And my personal favorite…Birkenstocks with socks for every. Single. season.  You wear them with jeans and flannel shirts in the fall and winter, and shorts in the spring and summer.  They were extremely versatile and extremely UGLY!  HA!

3.  All the many, many concerts I performed while in the select choir called the Mello-Aires.  We performed at a used car lot and the fanciest hotel downtown and everywhere in between.

4.  Along the same lines of our select choir.  We were able to march in the Inaugural Parade for President Clinton and then later that week, in Disney World.  Band/Choir geek or not, that was a pretty amazing trip and one I will remember forever.

5.  School dances.  Looking back it seems we had dances for everything.  There was the homecoming dance (which wasn’t formal by the way…yes I’m still bitter), Winter Formal, and Tolo’s up the yin-yang.  Didn’t matter if it was formal, or if you were in a safari costume (yep…I was).  They always, ALWAYS played Billy Idol’s song Mony Mony.  And of course, everyone in the school changed the lyrics!  For the record, Billy Idol’s lyrics were much better. 

6.  Football games. These were the most memorable because of the friends and not the game itself.  Well, friends and a little candy.  This candy I’m referring to are those “O” shaped gummi candies that taste like apple or peach or something like that.  Of course these candies were re-named by a certain friend who brought them to every game.  The new name was “penis-rings.”  Childish, immature and stupid right?  Abso-freakin-lutely.  But it was High School.  I can name a bunch of things that fall into that category.

7.  I can’t make a list about high school without mentioning my car accident.  It was a HUGE part of my high school life.

8.  Skipping school in the afternoons in the spring time, like A LOT to go down to the beach and play volleyball, have a BBQ, more volleyball.  It was HEAVEN!

9.  Glasses.  I had contacts, but I was up so darn early in the morning for my select choir class I never wore them.  I should have.  I look back at so many of my pictures in high school wondering why the hell I didn’t wear my friggin contacts!! 

10.  Friends.  They made my high school memories what they are, plain and simple.  They were there for me in my times of need, celebrating my times of triumphs, and reassuring in my times of uncertainty.  I couldn’t have made it through High School without them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I’ll BEE Cruising Today!

That’s right.  I’m taking a cruise.

Well not a REAL one…I WISH!

But I am taking myself on an imaginary cruise up to my Northern neighbor to BEE with one of my favorite people in the Blogosphere.  She is so very sweet, kind and supportive and her blog was one of the first ones I started reading religiously when I started on my blogging adventure. 

I’m so incredibly honored to be able to say that I’m over at Bruna’s place today.  She is the amazing talent behind Bees With Honey.  She is the stunning mother of three GORGEOUS little girls and she writes about her life.  I can’t wait to meet her someday, SOON I hope.  She also has an amazing feature on her fabulous blog called Let’s Bee Friends where you can link up and meet new people?  How fantastic is that?? 

So please go and visit me over there today.  I’m shedding a little light on what makes me, ME. 

Let's BEE Friends

If you are visiting from Bees With Honey,


WELCOME!! I'm so glad you're here. May a pour you a cup of Starbucks Coffee? A little wine perhaps (my beverage of choice)??  Sit and stay awhile. 

I’m a mom to three boys….yep I said that right THREE boys. 

So I bet you wonder what I say when people ask are you GonnaTry For A Girl?

Or my thoughts on Murphy's Law now that I'm a mom.

Did you know I have a Superhero living in my house? Yep! I do!

But after all is said and done, I owe my crazy happy life to one very special gift.

 I would love for you to ride the waves of the sea with me, please leave a comment so that I may get to know YOU better too!!

Thanks so much for visiting!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordy Wordless Wednesday ~ Halloween Round-Up

The questions started early in the morning before breakfast.

Mommy, when can we go Trick or Treating?

After school

Mommy, can we go Trick or Treating NOOOOWW?

Right as my husband walked through the door.

Mommy, Daddy is home lets go, lets, go, LETS GOOOO!!!!

It wasn’t looking good and two little boys were on the verge of panicking.

Okay, Okay I say.  Let’s get you guys into your costumes and we will take our pictures.

They were so excited to just be in their costumes.  They spent the next 30-45 minutes “practicing” their doorbell ringing, Trick or Treat asking and “Thank You” techniques. 

Then they took it upon them selves to save the world and rid it from all it’s evil candy.  It’s a tough job.

Then I asked for Just ONE more picture with their baby brother! This of course turned into twelve pictures before I could get Buggy to look at me.

Finally!  We were off.  Had a fantastic time at our friends house for pizza, wine (adults only of course gesh) and trick or treating in their neighborhood. 

Then it was off to Nana and Papa’s house for pictures galore and some awesome Halloween presents!

Then back to our neighborhood for the final wave of Trick or Treating. 

At the end of the night I had three very happy and excited little boys.

Well, wouldn’t you be?  Look at this haul!!

Here’s hoping our children come down from their sugar high sometime this week!! 

Linking up with the fabulous Nicole at By Word Of Mouth Musings because I think this fabulous Bat should be named HARVEY!


And also with the amazing Jessica at Four Plus An Angel  and Tracy at Sellabit Mum for Boo In The Blogosphere

And of course since all the pictures were taken with my iPhone Camera, I'm linking up again for #iPPP
iPhone Photo Phun